Burst blood vessel in eye causes
Burst blood vessel in eye causes

Depending on the size of your broken blood vessel, this may take a few days or even a two or three weeks.īaptist Eye Surgeons is an ophthalmological practice in Knoxville, TN, and Morristown, TN, that specializes in routine eye conditions for conditions such as broken blood vessels, as well as treatment of eye diseases like glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataracts. In truth, it will just take time for the blood to be reabsorbed and the red spot to go away. Avoid “redness relieving” or “whitening” eye drops as these cause blood vessels to constrict and can cause a rebound reddening effect. In the meantime, lubricating eye drops may help relieve any minor irritation you may feel. Treatment of an undiagnosed medical condition can prevent future symptoms such as broken blood vessels.

burst blood vessel in eye causes burst blood vessel in eye causes

Your eye doctor will ask you about your medical history, including medications you take on a regular basis, and about any activities that may be causing broken blood vessels in your eyes.


If the cause of your broken eye blood vessel is unknown, or if broken blood vessels aren’t just a rare, one-time occurrence, your doctor may perform a series of tests to rule out other eye conditions that may be causing the bleeding or that may affect how easily your blood clots. In most cases, a simple eye exam is enough for an eye doctor to properly diagnose a broken blood vessel, but he or she will want to be sure that damage has not occurred to other structures in your eye. While these broken blood vessels usually heal on their own with time, it’s a good idea to contact schedule an appointment with your eye doctor. For example, you should wear protective eyewear during athletic events or other activities that might cause eye injuries, or whenever you might be exposed to flying particles like debris or dust- including when doing house or yard work. Sometimes broken blood vessels in your eye can be prevented. Medications such as aspirin or blood thinners like Coumadin.Some of the more common causes of broken blood vessels in the eye include: Occasionally, you may experience a very mild irritation or itching of the eye.

burst blood vessel in eye causes

In fact, in most cases, you probably wouldn’t know you had a broken blood vessel in your eye until you looked in the mirror or until someone pointed it out to you. While these broken blood vessels can look alarming, subconjunctival hemorrhages are usually harmless and often heal on their own.

burst blood vessel in eye causes

When any of the tiny blood vessels in the conjunctive break, the bleeding appears as a bright red spot on the sclera, or the white of your eye. The conjunctiva is the thin membrane that covers the front of your eye, and the sclera is the thick white outer layer of your eyeball. When these red spots occur, people typically have three questions:Ī) What caused the blood vessel to break?Ĭ) How can I make the red spot go away? Causes & Treatment of A Broken Eye Blood VesselĪ broken blood vessel in your eye is also known as a subconjunctival hemorrhage. These spots are different from bloodshot eyes as they are actually broken blood vessels in your eye. The thin pink or reddish lines typically go away with eye drops, or a good night’s rest, or by taking precautions against the causes of your allergies or dry eyes.īut have you ever experienced a bright red spot on the white part of your eye that lingers for days? They can sometimes appear after being poked in the eye, or even after vigorously rubbing your eyes or repeatedly coughing or sneezing. We’ve all had irritated, bloodshot eyes at one time or another, perhaps from too little sleep, allergies, or dry eyes.

Burst blood vessel in eye causes